What Causes Pericarditis?
The heart is surrounded by a protective sac called the pericardium. The pericardium is comprised of two layers. The two layers are separated by fluid, which keeps them from rubbing against each other. Its purpose is to keep the heart situated in the heart chest and help it to work properly. Occasionally, the pericardium may become swollen, which is called pericarditis. Most of the time the problem is mild and goes away on its own. However, sometimes the problem is more serious. If your aging relative has recently been diagnosed with pericarditis, learning more about the condition can help you to better manage their care.
Pericarditis Symptoms
There are different types of pericarditis. The symptoms a person experiences can depend on the kind of pericarditis they have as well as how severe the condition is. Symptoms your aging relative might experience due to pericarditis are:
- Pain in the chest that the older adult describes as sharp or stabbing. The pain is usually located on the left side of the chest or in the middle. It may feel worse when they breathe in. Some people also feel pain in their back, neck, or abdomen.
- Difficulty breathing when they are reclining or lying down.
- A low fever.
- Heart palpitations.
- Coughing.
- Swelling in the abdomen or legs.
- Feeling weak, tired, or generally ill.
- Cause of Pericarditis
Often doctors are unable to determine what caused a person’s pericarditis. Most of the time doctors diagnose the person with idiopathic pericarditis, which means that they have pericarditis with an unknown origin. Other times, they think the problem might have been caused by an infection.
Infections that may lead to pericarditis are:
- Viral infections.
- Bacterial infections.
- Fungal infections.
- Tuberculosis.
- About 15 percent of people who have a heart attack later develop pericarditis. This is called Dressler’s syndrome, and it may occur weeks or even months after heart attack.
- Other things that can lead to pericarditis are:
- Autoimmune disorders.
- Injury to the chest.
- Cancer.
- Kidney failure.
Doctors usually treat pericarditis by addressing the underlying cause. This often involves medication and rest. Elderly care can benefit seniors recovering from pericarditis. An elderly care provider can remind the older adult to take their medications. An elderly care provider can also allow the senior to rest while they take care of tasks around the house, like cleaning and cooking. Elderly care providers can even run errands for your aging relative, such as grocery shopping or picking up prescriptions from the pharmacy.
If you or an aging loved-one are considering Elder Care in Suwanee, GA, please contact the friendly staff at Certified Home Care of Georgia. Call today 770-635-8042